Provably Correct Automatic Subdifferentiation for Qualified Programs


S. Kakade and J. D. Lee, Provably Correct Automatic Subdifferentiation for Qualified Programs. NeurIPS: ArXiv Report, 2018.


The Cheap Gradient Principle (Griewank 2008) --- the computational cost of computing the gradient of a scalar-valued function is nearly the same (often within a factor of 5) as that of simply computing the function itself --- is of central importance in optimization; it allows us to quickly obtain (high dimensional) gradients of scalar loss functions which are subsequently used in black box gradient-based optimization procedures. The current state of affairs is markedly different with regards to computing subderivatives: widely used ML libraries, including TensorFlow and PyTorch, do not correctly compute (generalized) subderivatives even on simple examples. This work considers the question: is there a Cheap Subgradient Principle? Our main result shows that, under certain restrictions on our library of nonsmooth functions (standard in nonlinear programming), provably correct generalized subderivatives can be computed at a computational cost that is within a (dimension-free) factor of 6 of the cost of computing the scalar function itself.

Publisher's Version

See also: 2018
Last updated on 10/10/2021