A. Beygelzimer, S. M. Kakade, and J. Langford, Cover Trees for Nearest Neighbor. ICML '06: Proceedings of the 23rd international conference on Machine learning: , 2006. Publisher's VersionAbstract
We present a tree data structure for fast nearest neighbor operations in general n-point metric spaces (where the data set consists of n points). The data structure requires O(n) space regardless of the metric's structure yet maintains all performance properties of a navigating net (Krauthgamer & Lee, 2004b). If the point set has a bounded expansion constant c, which is a measure of the intrinsic dimensionality, as defined in (Karger & Ruhl, 2002), the cover tree data structure can be constructed in O (c6n log n) time. Furthermore, nearest neighbor queries require time only logarithmic in n, in particular O (c12 log n) time. Our experimental results show speedups over the brute force search varying between one and several orders of magnitude on natural machine learning datasets.
Cover Trees for Nearest Neighbor
E. Even-Dar, S. M. Kakade, M. Kearns, and Y. Mansour, (In)Stability Properties of Limit Order Dynamics. ACM Conference on Electronic Commerce: , 2006. Publisher's VersionAbstract
We study the stability properties of the dynamics of the standard continuous limit-order mechanism that is used in modern equity markets. We ask whether such mechanisms are susceptible to “butterfly effects” — the infliction of large changes on common measures of market activity by only small perturbations of the order sequence. We show that the answer depends strongly on whether the market consists of “absolute” traders (who determine their prices independent of the current order book state) or “relative” traders (who determine their prices relative to the current bid and ask). We prove that while the absolute model enjoys provably strong stability properties, the relative model is vulnerable to great instability. Our theoretical results are supported by large-scale experiments using limit order data from INET, a large electronic exchange for NASDAQ stocks.
(In)Stability Properties of Limit Order Dynamics
S. M. Kakade and D. P. Foster, Calibration via Regression. 2006 IEEE Information Theory Workshop - ITW '06 Punta del Este: , 2006. Publisher's VersionAbstract
In the online prediction setting, the concept of calibration entails having the empirical (conditional) frequencies match the claimed predicted probabilities. This contrasts with more traditional online prediction goals of getting a low cumulative loss. The differences between these goals have typically made them hard to compare with each other. This paper shows how to get an approximate form of calibration out of a traditional online loss minimization algorithm, namely online regression. As a corollary, we show how to construct calibrated forecasts on a collection of subsequences.
Calibration via Regression
S. M. Kakade and A. Kalai, From Batch to Transductive Online Learning. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 18 (NIPS 2005): , 2006. Publisher's VersionAbstract
It is well-known that everything that is learnable in the difficult online setting, where an arbitrary sequences of examples must be labeled one at a time, is also learnable in the batch setting, where examples are drawn independently from a distribution. We show a result in the opposite di- rection. We give an efficient conversion algorithm from batch to online that is transductive: it uses future unlabeled data. This demonstrates the equivalence between what is properly and efficiently learnable in a batch model and a transductive online model.
From Batch to Transductive Online Learning
S. M. Kakade, M. W. Seeger, and D. P. Foster, Worst-Case Bounds for Gaussian Process Models. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 18 (NIPS 2005): , 2006. Publisher's VersionAbstract
We present a competitive analysis of some non-parametric Bayesian al- gorithms in a worst-case online learning setting, where no probabilistic assumptions about the generation of the data are made. We consider models which use a Gaussian process prior (over the space of all func- tions) and provide bounds on the regret (under the log loss) for com- monly used non-parametric Bayesian algorithms — including Gaussian regression and logistic regression — which show how these algorithms can perform favorably under rather general conditions. These bounds ex- plicitly handle the infinite dimensionality of these non-parametric classes in a natural way. We also make formal connections to the minimax and minimum description length (MDL) framework. Here, we show precisely how Bayesian Gaussian regression is a minimax strategy.
Worst-Case Bounds for Gaussian Process Models