D. Ramanan, S. Baker, and S. M. Kakade, Leveraging Archival Video for Building Face Datasets. 2007 IEEE 11th International Conference on Computer Vision: , 2007. Publisher's VersionAbstract
We introduce a semi-supervised method for building large, labeled datasets effaces by leveraging archival video. Specifically, we have implemented a system for labeling 11 years worth of archival footage from a television show. We have compiled a dataset of 611,770 faces, orders of magnitude larger than existing collections. It includes variation in appearance due to age, weight gain, changes in hairstyles, and other factors difficult to observe in smaller-scale collections. Face recognition in an uncontrolled setting can be difficult. We argue (and demonstrate) that there is much structure at varying timescales in the video data that make recognition much easier. At local time scales, one can use motion and tracking to group face images together - we may not know the identity, but we know a single label applies to all faces in a track. At medium time scales (say, within a scene), one can use appearance features such as hair and clothing to group tracks across shot boundaries. However, at longer timescales (say, across episodes), one can no longer use clothing as a cue. This suggests that one needs to carefully encode representations of appearance, depending on the timescale at which one intends to match. We assemble our final dataset by classifying groups of tracks in a nearest-neighbors framework. We use a face library obtained by labeling track clusters in a reference episode. We show that this classification is significantly easier when exploiting the hierarchical structure naturally present in the video sequences. From a data-collection point of view, tracking is vital because it adds non-frontal poses to our face collection. This is important because we know of no other method for collecting images of non-frontal faces "in the wild".
Leveraging Archival Video for Building Face Datasets
S. M. Kakade, A. T. Kalai, and K. Ligett, Playing Games with Approximation Algorithms. STOC '07: Proceedings of the thirty-ninth annual ACM symposium on Theory of computing: , 2007. Publisher's VersionAbstract
In an online linear optimization problem, on each period t, an online algorithm chooses st ∈ S from a fixed (possibly infinite) set S of feasible decisions. Nature (who may be adversarial) chooses a weight vector wt ∈ R, and the algorithm incurs cost c(st,wt), where c is a fixed cost function that is linear in the weight vector. In the full-information setting, the vector wt is then revealed to the algorithm, and in the bandit setting, only the cost experienced, c(st,wt), is revealed. The goal of the online algorithm is to perform nearly as well as the best fixed s ∈ S in hindsight. Many repeated decision-making problems with weights fit naturally into this framework, such as online shortest-path, online TSP, online clustering, and online weighted set cover. Previously, it was shown how to convert any efficient exact offline optimization algorithm for such a problem into an efficient online bandit algorithm in both the full-information and the bandit settings, with average cost nearly as good as that of the best fixed s ∈ S in hindsight. However, in the case where the offline algorithm is an approximation algorithm with ratio α > 1, the previous approach only worked for special types of approximation algorithms. We show how to convert any offline approximation algorithm for a linear optimization problem into a corresponding online approximation algorithm, with a polynomial blowup in runtime. If the offline algorithm has an α-approximation guarantee, then the expected cost of the online algorithm on any sequence is not much larger than α times that of the best s ∈ S, where the best is chosen with the benefit of hindsight. Our main innovation is combining Zinkevich's algorithm for convex optimization with a geometric transformation that can be applied to any approximation algorithm. Standard techniques generalize the above result to the bandit setting, except that a "Barycentric Spanner" for the problem is also (provably) necessary as input.Our algorithm can also be viewed as a method for playing largerepeated games, where one can only compute approximate best-responses, rather than best-responses.
Playing Games with Approximation Algorithms
S. M. Kakade and D. P. Foster, “Multi-View Regression via Canonical Correlation Analysis,” International Conference on Computational Learning Theory, vol. 4539, pp. 82-96, 2007. Publisher's VersionAbstract
In the multi-view regression problem, we have a regression problem where the input variable (which is a real vector) can be partitioned into two different views, where it is assumed that either view of the input is sufficient to make accurate predictions — this is essentially (a significantly weaker version of) the co-training assumption for the regression problem. We provide a semi-supervised algorithm which first uses unlabeled data to learn a norm (or, equivalently, a kernel) and then uses labeled data in a ridge regression algorithm (with this induced norm) to provide the predictor. The unlabeled data is used via canonical correlation analysis (CCA, which is a closely related to PCA for two random variables) to derive an appropriate norm over functions. We are able to characterize the intrinsic dimensionality of the subsequent ridge regression problem (which uses this norm) by the correlation coefficients provided by CCA in a rather simple expression. Interestingly, the norm used by the ridge regression algorithm is derived from CCA, unlike in standard kernel methods where a special apriori norm is assumed (i.e. a Banach space is assumed). We discuss how this result shows that unlabeled data can decrease the sample complexity.
Multi-View Regression via Canonical Correlation Analysis
E. Even-Dar, S. M. Kakade, and Y. Mansour, “The value of observation for monitoring dynamic systems,” IJCAI'07: Proceedings of the 20th international joint conference on Artifical intelligence, pp. 2474–2479, 2007. Publisher's VersionAbstract
We consider the fundamental problem of monitoring (i.e. tracking) the belief state in a dynamic system, when the model is only approximately correct and when the initial belief state might be unknown. In this general setting where the model is (perhaps only slightly) mis-specified, monitoring (and consequently planning) may be impossible as errors might accumulate over time. We provide a new characterization, the value of observation, which allows us to bound the error accumulation. The value of observation is a parameter that governs how much information the observation provides. For instance, in Partially Observable MDPs when it is 1 the POMDP is an MDP while for an unobservable Markov Decision Process the parameter is 0. Thus, the new parameter characterizes a spectrum from MDPs to unobservable MDPs depending on the amount of information conveyed in the observations.
The value of observation for monitoring dynamic systems
L. Ortiz, R. Schapire, and S. M. Kakade, Maximum Entropy Correlated Equilibria. AISTAT: , 2007. Publisher's VersionAbstract
We study maximum entropy correlated equilibria in (multi-player)games and provide two gradient-based algorithms that are guaranteedto converge to such equilibria. Although we do not provideconvergence rates for these algorithms, they do have strong connectionsto other algorithms (such as iterative scaling) which are effectiveheuristics for tasks such as statistical estimation.
Maximum Entropy Correlated Equilibria