Publications by Year: 2021

R. Wang, D. P. Foster, and S. M. Kakade, “What are the Statistical Limits of Offline RL with Linear Function Approximation,” in International Conference on Learning Representations, 2021. arXiv VersionAbstract
Offline reinforcement learning seeks to utilize offline (observational) data to guide the learning of (causal) sequential decision making strategies. The hope is that offline reinforcement learning coupled with function approximation methods (to deal with the curse of dimensionality) can provide a means to help alleviate the excessive sample complexity burden in modern sequential decision making problems. However, the extent to which this broader approach can be effective is not well understood, where the literature largely consists of sufficient conditions. This work focuses on the basic question of what are necessary representational and distributional conditions that permit provable sample-efficient offline reinforcement learning. Perhaps surprisingly, our main result shows that even if: i) we have realizability in that the true value function of \emph{every} policy is linear in a given set of features and 2) our off-policy data has good coverage over all features (under a strong spectral condition), then any algorithm still (information-theoretically) requires a number of offline samples that is exponential in the problem horizon in order to non-trivially estimate the value of \emph{any} given policy. Our results highlight that sample-efficient offline policy evaluation is simply not possible unless significantly stronger conditions hold; such conditions include either having low distribution shift (where the offline data distribution is close to the distribution of the policy to be evaluated) or significantly stronger representational conditions (beyond realizability).
A. Agarwal, S. M. Kakade, J. D. Lee, and G. Mahajan., “On the Theory of Policy Gradient Methods: Optimality, Approximation, and Distribution Shift,” Journal of Machine Learning Research, vol. 22, 2021. arXiv VersionAbstract
Policy gradient methods are among the most effective methods in challenging reinforcement learning problems with large state and/or action spaces. However, little is known about even their most basic theoretical convergence properties, including: if and how fast they converge to a globally optimal solution or how they cope with approximation error due to using a restricted class of parametric policies. This work provides provable characterizations of the computational, approximation, and sample size properties of policy gradient methods in the context of discounted Markov Decision Processes (MDPs). We focus on both: "tabular" policy parameterizations, where the optimal policy is contained in the class and where we show global convergence to the optimal policy; and parametric policy classes (considering both log-linear and neural policy classes), which may not contain the optimal policy and where we provide agnostic learning results. One central contribution of this work is in providing approximation guarantees that are average case -- which avoid explicit worst-case dependencies on the size of state space -- by making a formal connection to supervised learning under distribution shift. This characterization shows an important interplay between estimation error, approximation error, and exploration (as characterized through a precisely defined condition number).
C. Jin, P. Netrapalli, R. Ge, S. M. Kakade, and M. I. Jordan, “On Nonconvex Optimization for Machine Learning: Gradients, Stochasticity, and Saddle Points,” ACM, 2021. arXiv VersionAbstract
Gradient descent (GD) and stochastic gradient descent (SGD) are the workhorses of large-scale machine learning. While classical theory focused on analyzing the performance of these methods in convex optimization problems, the most notable successes in machine learning have involved nonconvex optimization, and a gap has arisen between theory and practice. Indeed, traditional analyses of GD and SGD show that both algorithms converge to stationary points efficiently. But these analyses do not take into account the possibility of converging to saddle points. More recent theory has shown that GD and SGD can avoid saddle points, but the dependence on dimension in these analyses is polynomial. For modern machine learning, where the dimension can be in the millions, such dependence would be catastrophic. We analyze perturbed versions of GD and SGD and show that they are truly efficient---their dimension dependence is only polylogarithmic. Indeed, these algorithms converge to second-order stationary points in essentially the same time as they take to converge to classical first-order stationary points.
