Publications by Year: 2022

A. Gupta, A. Pacchiano, Y. Zhai, S. M. Kakade, and S. Levine, “Unpacking Reward Shaping: Understanding the Benefits of Reward Engineering on Sample Complexity,” NeurIPS, 2022. arXiv VersionAbstract
Reinforcement learning provides an automated framework for learning behaviors from high-level reward specifications, but in practice the choice of reward function can be crucial for good results -- while in principle the reward only needs to specify what the task is, in reality practitioners often need to design more detailed rewards that provide the agent with some hints about how the task should be completed. The idea of this type of ``reward-shaping'' has been often discussed in the literature, and is often a critical part of practical applications, but there is relatively little formal characterization of how the choice of reward shaping can yield benefits in sample complexity. In this work, we build on the framework of novelty-based exploration to provide a simple scheme for incorporating shaped rewards into RL along with an analysis tool to show that particular choices of reward shaping provably improve sample efficiency. We characterize the class of problems where these gains are expected to be significant and show how this can be connected to practical algorithms in the literature. We confirm that these results hold in practice in an experimental evaluation, providing an insight into the mechanisms through which reward shaping can significantly improve the complexity of reinforcement learning while retaining asymptotic performance.
S. Goel, S. Kakade, A. T. Kalai, and C. Zhang, “Recurrent Convolutional Neural Networks Learn Succinct Learning Algorithms,” NeurIPS, 2022. arXiv VersionAbstract
Neural networks (NNs) struggle to efficiently solve certain problems, such as learning parities, even when there are simple learning algorithms for those problems. Can NNs discover learning algorithms on their own? We exhibit a NN architecture that, in polynomial time, learns as well as any efficient learning algorithm describable by a constant-sized program. For example, on parity problems, the NN learns as well as Gaussian elimination, an efficient algorithm that can be succinctly described. Our architecture combines both recurrent weight sharing between layers and convolutional weight sharing to reduce the number of parameters down to a constant, even though the network itself may have trillions of nodes. While in practice the constants in our analysis are too large to be directly meaningful, our work suggests that the synergy of Recurrent and Convolutional NNs (RCNNs) may be more natural and powerful than either alone, particularly for concisely parameterizing discrete algorithms.
D. Madeka, K. Torkkola, C. Eisenach, A. Luo, D. P. Foster, and S. M. Kakade, “Deep Inventory Management,” 2022. arXiv VersionAbstract
This work provides a Deep Reinforcement Learning approach to solving a periodic review inventory control system with stochastic vendor lead times, lost sales, correlated demand, and price matching. While this dynamic program has historically been considered intractable, our results show that several policy learning approaches are competitive with or outperform classical methods. In order to train these algorithms, we develop novel techniques to convert historical data into a simulator. On the theoretical side, we present learnability results on a subclass of inventory control problems, where we provide a provable reduction of the reinforcement learning problem to that of supervised learning. On the algorithmic side, we present a model-based reinforcement learning procedure (Direct Backprop) to solve the periodic review inventory control problem by constructing a differentiable simulator. Under a variety of metrics Direct Backprop outperforms model-free RL and newsvendor baselines, in both simulations and real-world deployments.
J. Wu, D. Zou, V. Braverman, Q. Gu, and S. M. Kakade, “The Power and Limitation of Pretraining-Finetuning for Linear Regression under Covariate Shift,” NeurIPS, 2022. arXiv VersionAbstract
We study linear regression under covariate shift, where the marginal distribution over the input covariates differs in the source and the target domains, while the conditional distribution of the output given the input covariates is similar across the two domains. We investigate a transfer learning approach with pretraining on the source data and finetuning based on the target data (both conducted by online SGD) for this problem. We establish sharp instance-dependent excess risk upper and lower bounds for this approach. Our bounds suggest that for a large class of linear regression instances, transfer learning with O(N2) source data (and scarce or no target data) is as effective as supervised learning with N target data. In addition, we show that finetuning, even with only a small amount of target data, could drastically reduce the amount of source data required by pretraining. Our theory sheds light on the effectiveness and limitation of pretraining as well as the benefits of finetuning for tackling covariate shift problems.
B. Barak, B. L. Edelman, S. Goel, S. Kakade, E. Malach, and C. Zhang, “Hidden Progress in Deep Learning: SGD Learns Parities Near the Computational Limit,” NeurIPS, 2022. arXiv VersionAbstract
There is mounting empirical evidence of emergent phenomena in the capabilities of deep learning methods as we scale up datasets, model sizes, and training times. While there are some accounts of how these resources modulate statistical capacity, far less is known about their effect on the computational problem of model training. This work conducts such an exploration through the lens of learning k-sparse parities of n bits, a canonical family of problems which pose theoretical computational barriers. In this setting, we find that neural networks exhibit surprising phase transitions when scaling up dataset size and running time. In particular, we demonstrate empirically that with standard training, a variety of architectures learn sparse parities with nO(k) examples, with loss (and error) curves abruptly dropping after nO(k) iterations. These positive results nearly match known SQ lower bounds, even without an explicit sparsity-promoting prior. We elucidate the mechanisms of these phenomena with a theoretical analysis: we find that the phase transition in performance is not due to SGD "stumbling in the dark" until it finds the hidden set of features (a natural algorithm which also runs in nO(k) time); instead, we show that SGD gradually amplifies a Fourier gap in the population gradient.
N. Saunshi, et al., “Understanding Contrastive Learning Requires Incorporating Inductive Biases,” International Conference on Machine Learning, 2022. arXiv VersionAbstract
Contrastive learning is a popular form of self-supervised learning that encourages augmentations (views) of the same input to have more similar representations compared to augmentations of different inputs. Recent attempts to theoretically explain the success of contrastive learning on downstream classification tasks prove guarantees depending on properties of {\em augmentations} and the value of {\em contrastive loss} of representations. We demonstrate that such analyses, that ignore {\em inductive biases} of the function class and training algorithm, cannot adequately explain the success of contrastive learning, even {\em provably} leading to vacuous guarantees in some settings. Extensive experiments on image and text domains highlight the ubiquity of this problem -- different function classes and algorithms behave very differently on downstream tasks, despite having the same augmentations and contrastive losses. Theoretical analysis is presented for the class of linear representations, where incorporating inductive biases of the function class allows contrastive learning to work with less stringent conditions compared to prior analyses.
J. Tuyls, S. Yao, S. Kakade, and K. Narasimhan, “Multi-Stage Episodic Control for Strategic Exploration in Text Games,” in International Conference on Learning Representations, 2022. arXiv VersionAbstract
Text adventure games present unique challenges to reinforcement learning methods due to their combinatorially large action spaces and sparse rewards. The interplay of these two factors is particularly demanding because large action spaces require extensive exploration, while sparse rewards provide limited feedback. This work proposes to tackle the explore-vs-exploit dilemma using a multi-stage approach that explicitly disentangles these two strategies within each episode. Our algorithm, called eXploit-Then-eXplore (XTX), begins each episode using an exploitation policy that imitates a set of promising trajectories from the past, and then switches over to an exploration policy aimed at discovering novel actions that lead to unseen state spaces. This policy decomposition allows us to combine global decisions about which parts of the game space to return to with curiosity-based local exploration in that space, motivated by how a human may approach these games. Our method significantly outperforms prior approaches by 27% and 11% average normalized score over 12 games from the Jericho benchmark (Hausknecht et al., 2020) in both deterministic and stochastic settings, respectively. On the game of Zork1, in particular, XTX obtains a score of 103, more than a 2x improvement over prior methods, and pushes past several known bottlenecks in the game that have plagued previous state-of-the-art methods.
D. Zou, J. Wu, V. Braverman, Q. Gu, and S. M. Kakade, “Risk Bounds of Multi-Pass SGD for Least Squares in the Interpolation Regime,” NeurIPS, 2022. arXiv VersionAbstract
Stochastic gradient descent (SGD) has achieved great success due to its superior performance in both optimization and generalization. Most of existing generalization analyses are made for single-pass SGD, which is a less practical variant compared to the commonly-used multi-pass SGD. Besides, theoretical analyses for multi-pass SGD often concern a worst-case instance in a class of problems, which may be pessimistic to explain the superior generalization ability for some particular problem instance. The goal of this paper is to sharply characterize the generalization of multi-pass SGD, by developing an instance-dependent excess risk bound for least squares in the interpolation regime, which is expressed as a function of the iteration number, stepsize, and data covariance. We show that the excess risk of SGD can be exactly decomposed into the excess risk of GD and a positive fluctuation error, suggesting that SGD always performs worse, instance-wisely, than GD, in generalization. On the other hand, we show that although SGD needs more iterations than GD to achieve the same level of excess risk, it saves the number of stochastic gradient evaluations, and therefore is preferable in terms of computational time.
A. Kusupati, et al., “Matryoshka Representations for Adaptive Deployment,” NeurIPS, 2022. arXiv VersionAbstract
Learned representations are a central component in modern ML systems, serving a multitude of downstream tasks. When training such representations, it is often the case that computational and statistical constraints for each downstream task are unknown. In this context rigid, fixed capacity representations can be either over or under-accommodating to the task at hand. This leads us to ask: can we design a flexible representation that can adapt to multiple downstream tasks with varying computational resources? Our main contribution is Matryoshka Representation Learning (MRL) which encodes information at different granularities and allows a single embedding to adapt to the computational constraints of downstream tasks. MRL minimally modifies existing representation learning pipelines and imposes no additional cost during inference and deployment. MRL learns coarse-to-fine representations that are at least as accurate and rich as independently trained low-dimensional representations. The flexibility within the learned Matryoshka Representations offer: (a) up to 14x smaller embedding size for ImageNet-1K classification at the same level of accuracy; (b) up to 14x real-world speed-ups for large-scale retrieval on ImageNet-1K and 4K; and (c) up to 2% accuracy improvements for long-tail few-shot classification, all while being as robust as the original representations. Finally, we show that MRL extends seamlessly to web-scale datasets (ImageNet, JFT) across various modalities -- vision (ViT, ResNet), vision + language (ALIGN) and language (BERT). MRL code and pretrained models are open-sourced at this https URL.
B. L. Edelman, S. Goel, S. Kakade, and C. Zhang, “Inductive Biases and Variable Creation in Self-Attention Mechanisms,” in International Conference on Machine Learning, 2022. arXiv VersionAbstract
Self-attention, an architectural motif designed to model long-range interactions in sequential data, has driven numerous recent breakthroughs in natural language processing and beyond. This work provides a theoretical analysis of the inductive biases of self-attention modules, where our focus is to rigorously establish which functions and long-range dependencies self-attention blocks prefer to represent. Our main result shows that bounded-norm Transformer layers create sparse variables: they can represent sparse functions of the input sequence, with sample complexity scaling only logarithmically with the context length. Furthermore, we propose new experimental protocols to support this analysis and to guide the practice of training Transformers, built around the large body of work on provably learning sparse Boolean functions.