A. Anandkumar, K. Chaudhuri, D. Hsu, S. M. Kakade, L. Song, and T. Zhang, Spectral Methods for Learning Multivariate Latent Tree Structure. NIPS 2011: ArXiv Report, 2011. Publisher's VersionAbstract
This work considers the problem of learning the structure of multivariate linear tree models, which include a variety of directed tree graphical models with continuous, discrete, and mixed latent variables such as linear-Gaussian models, hidden Markov models, Gaussian mixture models, and Markov evolutionary trees. The setting is one where we only have samples from certain observed variables in the tree, and our goal is to estimate the tree structure (i.e., the graph of how the underlying hidden variables are connected to each other and to the observed variables). We propose the Spectral Recursive Grouping algorithm, an efficient and simple bottom-up procedure for recovering the tree structure from independent samples of the observed variables. Our finite sample size bounds for exact recovery of the tree structure reveal certain natural dependencies on underlying statistical and structural properties of the underlying joint distribution. Furthermore, our sample complexity guarantees have no explicit dependence on the dimensionality of the observed variables, making the algorithm applicable to many high-dimensional settings. At the heart of our algorithm is a spectral quartet test for determining the relative topology of a quartet of variables from second-order statistics.
Spectral Methods for Learning Multivariate Latent Tree Structure
J. Blitzer, D. Foster, and S. and Kakade., Domain Adaptation with Coupled Subspaces. AISTAT 2011: , 2011. Publisher's VersionAbstract
Domain adaptation algorithms address a key issue in applied machine learning: How can we train a system under a source distribution but achieve high performance under a different target distribution? We tackle this question for divergent distributions where crucial predictive target features may not even have support under the source distribution. In this setting, the key intuition is that that if we can link target-specific features to source features, we can learn effectively using only source labeled data. We formalize this intuition, as well as the assumptions under which such coupled learning is possible. This allows us to give finite sample target error bounds (using only source training data) and an algorithm which performs at the state-of-the-art on two natural language processing adaptation tasks which are characterized by novel target features.
Domain Adaptation with Coupled Subspaces
S. M. Kakade, A. T. Kalai, V. Kanade, and O. Shamir, Efficient Learning of Generalized Linear and Single Index Models with Isotonic Regression. NIPS 2011: ArXiv Report, 2011. Publisher's VersionAbstract
Generalized Linear Models (GLMs) and Single Index Models (SIMs) provide powerful generalizations of linear regression, where the target variable is assumed to be a (possibly unknown) 1-dimensional function of a linear predictor. In general, these problems entail non-convex estimation procedures, and, in practice, iterative local search heuristics are often used. Kalai and Sastry (2009) recently provided the first provably efficient method for learning SIMs and GLMs, under the assumptions that the data are in fact generated under a GLM and under certain monotonicity and Lipschitz constraints. However, to obtain provable performance, the method requires a fresh sample every iteration. In this paper, we provide algorithms for learning GLMs and SIMs, which are both computationally and statistically efficient. We also provide an empirical study, demonstrating their feasibility in practice.
Efficient Learning of Generalized Linear and Single Index Models with Isotonic Regression
D. Hsu, S. M. Kakade, and T. Zhang, Robust matrix decomposition with outliers. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory: ArXiv Report, 2011. Publisher's VersionAbstract
Suppose a given observation matrix can be decomposed as the sum of a low-rank matrix and a sparse matrix (outliers), and the goal is to recover these individual components from the observed sum. Such additive decompositions have applications in a variety of numerical problems including system identification, latent variable graphical modeling, and principal components analysis. We study conditions under which recovering such a decomposition is possible via a combination of ℓ1 norm and trace norm minimization. We are specifically interested in the question of how many outliers are allowed so that convex programming can still achieve accurate recovery, and we obtain stronger recovery guarantees than previous studies. Moreover, we do not assume that the spatial pattern of outliers is random, which stands in contrast to related analyses under such assumptions via matrix completion.
Robust matrix decomposition with outliers